Your comment about music resonates with me. I agree about everything you wrote. I have strong feelings about it and I am glad someone ( you) agrees with me.

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Wonderful images Leanne and your post resonates deeply. I just don't see instagram as a place I want to be - it's no longer about photography. That's not to say I don't think it has a place creatively - well, it COULD have a place creatively if every other thing you see wasn't an advert. I like the idea of mixing media - but it's NOT what I want to see when I'm looking at photography.

I still like flickr ( as people here will know because I so often bang on about it ) - it's far from perfect, but at least it is mostly photos, no adverts ( I pay ) and being able to see photographers favourites is a wonderful way to find new photos - but for me, the killer function, is galleries - I love being able to see curated galleries of images that people have created.

To be honest I think there is space for something new. Something radically different. Something where the experience is tailored to the person viewing - if they want to see just photography, then they can configure this ( here's the key THEY can configure - not some shonky algorithm that thinks it knows you ) - something that supports video, music, words, but doesn't force it upon people. Something where you could set a time limit on your photos to make people slow down ( i.e. it's on the screen for at least 30 seconds before you can skip ahead ) - I don't know - at the moment any alternative platforms just seem to be the same thing ...

I'll get off my soapbox now lol!

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Agree. One of the main reasons I left that platform was how it made one feel like their own work wasn’t good enough because you couldn’t copy what you you saw and create the same level of success.

In reality, photography should be studied one by one and not skimmed through. I feel that much of the so called popular stuff on IG is gimmicky and is geared towards instant gratification (hmm same acronym to, go figure).

Great article Leanne!

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